3D animated Fender guitars, violins and drum gifs
The Fender guitars are a fairly good 3D representation of the actual thing. These models took ages to create as did the violin and the drum kit, each individual item had to be hand drawn in my CAD program but I do like the results.
The first Fender guitar animated gif was created for Stan Laundon a former BBC presenter who has led a very interesting life. After that I made a couple more including the Squier Bass and have on occasions decorated them with band logos and even national flags.
When I have made a 3D model like a Fender guitar it is easy to incorporate it into other animations and render it with different textures and colours. I have for example combined 3D models of monkeys, angels and even nuns playing a tune on one of my guitar models. The range of combinations with my collection of models is very good and I have a lot of fun experimenting with my creations
All these animations have been created in a CAD program and then rendered and animated separately. They all have a transparent background so they will sit very nicely on a light coloured image or background
The acorn with the fiddle is one of many acorn animations I have made. For many years I was Top Contributor on one of Google product forums and my user name was Acorn and I still use it. The animation is supposed to represent that I'm as much use as a one armed fiddler. The Teddy Bear drummer seems to be drumming at a very leisurely pace but I have a sneaking suspicion that if you download him and set him up by himself he will start drumming at a very hectic speed. The singing nun sings for herself.